God as Engineer

Posted by Travis Threats on

Let us always first start with the Bible.

For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what through what has been made, so that they are without excuse – Romans 1:20 (NASB)

But now ask the beasts and let them teach you; And the birds of the heavens and let them tell you. Or speak to the earth, and let it teach you. And let the fish of the sea declare to you. Who among all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this” - Job 12: 7-10 (NASB)

Now, let’s talk about science, which the originator being God.

One of the “hottest” fields of science now is studying nature. It turns out nature is smarter than we are. This no doubt frustrates scientists who in general think of themselves as the greatest things in the universe! Thus, to solve some of the most difficult problems they turn to see how nature (actually God) handles it.

In the online article “Biomimetics: forecasting the future of science, engineering, and medicine” published by the National Library of Medicine- National Center for Biotechnology Information


it defines biomimetics as

Biomimetics is the study of nature and natural phenomena to understand the principles of underlying mechanisms, to obtain ideas from nature, and to apply concepts that may benefit science, engineering, and medicine. Examples of biomimetic studies include fluid- drag reduction swimsuits inspired by the structure of shark’s skin, Velcro fasteners modeled on burrs, shape of airplanes developed from the look of birds, and stable building structures copied from the backbone of turban shells.

The Minneapolis College of Art and Sustainable Design Online Program

https://mcadsustainabledesign.com/biomimicry-or-biomimetics/ states:

If you took a course in biomimicry, you would spend time with and/or in Nature discovering how Nature uses combinations of forms, processes, and systems to accomplish desired functions, and then imaging how these strategies could be used to solve human challenges. You would leave the course with new and renewed connections with and respect for Nature, lots of fantastic ideas for bio-inspired designs, and tremendous inspiration for the potential of bio-inspired innovation to solve the world’s biggest challenges, which you will no doubt want to share with others.

Despite the admiration for nature, almost all scientist attribute “chance” to the development of mechanisms too complex for them to understand. On the website Answers in Genesis


Scientists are now recognizing, more than ever before, the incredible and sustainable design in the world, and they want to dissect and replicate it. Their newfound humility is encouraging as they focus on understanding the world around them. Yet biomimicry only goes so far. Much of the time, scientists give evolution the credit for the exquisite designs, rather than the Creator who spoke the universe into existence. Despite their brilliance, many researchers honor the creature rather than the Creator – Romans 1:25. God’s children, however, see a whole new layer of meaning in these developments, adding to the infinite number of reasons to give Him glory and praise.

In the website Creation world view ministries in a paper entitled “Biomimicry – God’s Designs and Man’s Imitations” at

https://www.creationworldview.org/biomimicry-god-s-designs-and- man-s-imitations

They state

Presently, researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, are mimicking the multi- lens eyes of bees, flies and other insects in order to build improved lenses for use in miniature cameras and medical diagnostic equipment.

Speaking of scientists mimicking insects:

Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, John Hopkins, Harvard and Stanford are building robots for space exploration (Mars and Lunar landers), military applications (detection of explosives and “spying”), toxic spill cleanups and other uses to prevent injury to first responders based on the superior terrain mobility of six and eight-legged critters.

Such use of the “designs” found in insects is not limited to merely the insect nor to modern times. The entire wood paper industry, from toilet tissue to card board boxes, owes its existence to the American Paper Wasp. In 1719, the French scientist René Antoine Ferchault de Réaumur wrote:

"The American wasps form very fine paper. ... They teach us that paper can be made from the fibers of plants without the use of rags and linens and seem to invite us to try whether we cannot make a fine and good paper from the use of certain woods."

On an article entitled “Biomimicry recognizes the genius (but not the Genius) behind the wonders of creation” at https://reformedperspective.ca/biomimicry-recognizes-the-genius-but- not-the-genius-behind-the-wonders-of-creation/

There is an irony in how Janine Benyus, the author who popularized the term biomimicry, recognizes that the design found in Creation far exceeds that of Mankind’s best minds. And yet she doesn’t see a better Mind behind any of it, choosing instead to credit these wonders to mindless evolution working over the last 3.8 billion years. As the apostle Paul might put it, she worships and serves “created things rather the Creator” (Rom. 1:25). But for Christians, how wonderful it is to be reminded of just how much humans can learn from the genius of our God who declared all the creatures He made “good.”

 The pure genius behind the behavior of animals, inserts, fish, birds are attributed to “instinct” and thus it is ironic that the top minds in the world are studying many species (especially insects) that do not even have what we would consider a brain. Us humans with our superior brains trying to figure out how insects can do what they do! We spend billions of dollars and millions of work hours trying to figure out what creatures and plants do every day.

That brings me to this video, discussing the common storksbill. Note the inclusion of “common” in its name, thus not a rare species. Odd how we use this word as if something is plentiful that it cannot, by definition, be special. But all of God’s creation is special, and all incredibly complex. I stated earlier that many creatures would not have what we consider a brain. Well, a plant literally has no brain!!! Yet, look at the marvel of engineering shown by this plant. Could a team of our brightest scientists produce such?

John 10:10 project


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