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"Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation" Mark 16:15 (NASB)- Framed
"Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation" Mark 16:15 (NASB)- Unframed
"The Son" rises among the darkness and the turbulent sky - Framed
"The Son" rises among the darkness and the turbulent sky - Unframed
"Tree" of fallen leaves and a twig floating in a lake - Unframed
"Tree" of fallen leaves and a twig floating on a lake - Framed
A light to the Gentiles (Acts 13:47) - Framed
A light to the Gentiles (Acts 13:47) - Unframed
Arc of leaves - Framed
Arc of leaves - Unframed
Artistry in leaves - Framed
Artistry in leaves - Unframed
Ascending clouds between trees - Framed
Ascending clouds between trees - Unframed
Backyard tree - Framed
Backyard tree - Unframed
Bare tree against blue sky - Framed
Bare tree against blue sky - Unframed
Bare tree against cloudy skies - Unframed
Bare tree against cloudy sky - Framed
Bare tree with evening sky - Framed
Bare tree with evening sky- Unframed
Beach, bridge, and sky - Framed
Beach, bridge, and sky - Unframed
Beauty in simplicity - Unframed
Beauty in simplicity- Framed
Beauty of the dandelion - Framed
Beauty of the dandelion - Unframed
Bench and river - Framed
Bench and river - Unframed
Bench overlooking trees and lake - Framed
Bench overlooking trees and lake - Unframed
Big multicolored leaf and friends - Unframed
Bird by water - Framed