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Vivid red leaves circling clouds - unframed
Vivid red leaves circling clouds-Framed
Water fountain - Framed
Water fountain - Unframed
Water lilies - Framed
Water lilies - Unframed
Waterfowl on colorful pond - Unframed
Welcome! - Framed
Welcome! - Unframed
While I am in the world, I am the Light of the world - John 9:5 (NASB) - Framed
While I am in the world, I am the Light of the world - John 9:5 NASB - Unframed
White feathers of goose on blue lake - Framed
White feathers of goose on blue lake - Unframed
White flower floating on lake- Framed
White flower floating on lake- Unframed
White petals and buds - Unframed
White petals with buds - Framed
White tree - Unframed
White tree against blue sky - Framed
White tree against blue sky - Unframed
White tree- Framed
Wild bergamot - Framed
Wild bergamot - Unframed
Wild flower sunburst - Framed
Wild flower sunburst - Unframed
Wild white flower off a ravine - Framed
Wild white flower off a ravine - Unframed
Worn bench in park - Framed
Worn bench in park - Unframed
Yellow and sky - Framed
Yellow and sky - Unframed
Yellow flower with dew - Framed
Yellow flower with dew - Unframed
Yellow in branches - Framed